Okuma Mill Programming Manual
Posted : admin On 13.09.2019I would like to send me the manual operator manual programming Okuma multus b 300 II (PSO-p300s). Are operator. Peck tapping on an Okuma Mill is as follows. Mid-Auto Manual* – Allows the operator to “pause” the CNC machining program, move the axes around, check the tool to make sure it is not chipped or broken, or even check a feature on the part, and then resume the operation at the same point where it left off. This prevents the operator from having to stop the program, search for the point. Jun 18, 2014 - I have an okuma cnc mill having control OSP300M. The problem is that X and. Moving in any mode. Not manual and not MDI or Program mode.
Legendary reliability If you’ve ever owned an Okuma product, you know our reputation for legendary reliability is well-earned. For us, that reliability starts with the exceptional craftsmanship that goes into building every CNC machine tool we make. As the industry’s only single-source provider, the CNC machine, drive, motors, encoders, spindle, and control are all manufactured in-house. This ensures that every lathe, machining center, and grinder is constructed to deliver decades of use on your shop floor.
Okuma Mill Programming

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Can someone explain NAT18 (3/4' INSERT MILL.7500) We use it to open up different size holes 1,1 1/2,1 3/4 and so on.When it calls up the sub OMIL1 what does the I mean.I control the size with the D18 cutter comp I think I would like to change just the I for different size holes. N0001 (12' X 12' ALUMINUM PLATE) N0011 G00 G90 Z20. N0013 M01 NAT02 (3/4' X 118 DEG. SPOT DRILL) N0200 M6 T02 N0201 G15 H01 N0202 G56 H02 N0203 M03 S2000 G00 X0 Y0 Z.1 M08 G1 Z.12 F5. G0 Z3.5 N0204 G71 Z3.5 N0205 CALL OSPT1 N0206 G00 G80 Z20. M09 N0207 /X-10.
M05 N0208 M01 NAT06 (13/32' DIA. DRILL.4062) N0600 M6 T06 N0601 G15 H01 N0602 G56 H06 N0603 M03 S1625 N0604 G71 Z3.5 M08 N0605 CALL ODRL1 N0606 G00 G80 Z20. M09 N0607 /X-10. M05 N0608 M01 NAT07 (9/16' DIA. DRILL.5625) N0700 M6 T07 N0701 G15 H01 N0702 G56 H07 N0703 M03 S1475 N0704 G71 Z3.5 M08 N0705 CALL ODRL2 N0706 G00 G80 Z20.
M09 N0707 /X-10. M05 N0708 M01 /NAT18 (3/4' DIA. INSERT MILL.7500) /N1800 M6 T18 /N1801 G15 H01 /N1802 G56 H18 /N1803 M03 S2500 /N1804 G00 X0 Y0 /N1805 Z.1 M08 /N1806 G01 Z0 F18. /N1807 CALL OMIL1 /N1808 G00 Z20. M09 /N1809 /X-10.

Cnc Okuma Mill Programming
M05 /N1810 M01 /NAT01 (1/2' X 118 DEG. SPOT DRILL) /(INSERT.134 FOR TOOL COMP IN D01) /N0100 M6 T01 /N0101 G15 H01 /N0102 G56 H01 /N0103 M03 S3000 /N0104 G00 X0 Y0 /N0105 Z.1 M08 /N0106 G01 Z.088 F35. /N0107 G41 X.5 D01 /N0108 G03 I.5 /N0109 I.5 F70.
/N0110 G01 G40 X0 F100. N0111 G00 Z20. M09 N0112 X-10.
M05 N0113 M19 N0114 M30 (. SUB PROGRAMS.) OSPT1 (3/4' X 118 DEG. SPOT DRILL) NCYL G81 Z.11 R.1 P.25 F5. M53 CALL OLOC1 NCYL G81 Z.15 R.1 P.25 F5. M53 CALL OLOC2 RTS (.) ODRL1 (13/32' DIA.
DRILL.4062) NCYL G81 Z.75 R.15 F9. M54 CALL OLOC1 RTS (.) ODRL2 (9/16' DIA. DRILL.5625) NCYL G81 Z.75 R.1 F9.
M53 CALL OLOC2 RTS (.) OMIL1 (3/4' DIA. INSERT MILL.7500) G41 X.5 D18 G03 I.5 Z.05 I.5 Z.1 I.5 Z.15 I.5 Z.2 I.5 Z.25 I.5 Z.3 I.5 Z.35 I.5 Z.4 I.5 Z.45 I.5 Z.5 I.5 Z.55 I.5 Z.6 I.5 F36. G01 G40 X0 F100.
RTS (.) OLOC1 (13/32' DIA. HOLE LOCATIONS) BHC X0 Y0 I4.500 J-45. K4 RTS (.) OLOC2 (9/16' DIA. HOLE LOCATIONS) BHC X0 Y0 I7.0710 J-45.

K4 RTS (. END OF SUBS.) . It doesn't calculate the hole size, you do.
There's two different strategies to using cutter-comp. You can program the machine using print dimensions, and input the cutter's radius in the tool radius offset page. The control comp's the position by the radius amount and cuts to the print dimension. This is how cutter comp is really intended to be used. The other, is when the machinist does the math, and changes his program numbers, subtracting the cutter's radius, such as what a manual machinist would do. Then you input very small amounts into the tool offset page to 'fine tune' your dimensions. Personally, I hate this method, as it causes more work for the machinist.
It is popular when using CAM systems though, as you can make the computer do all the math. Only have run a hand full of programs on the mill.I noticed if I make the cutter comp smaller the hole gets bigger.When I punched in.062 I thought that would never work but it cut a 1 3/4 hole.Is there another screen I should be using?If you're using the below program with a 3/4 cutter, and with Zero set as the Tool Radius Comp Offset, then in theory you would cut a 1.75 diameter hole.
I say 'in theory' because there are factors that will influence the actual size of the bore cut; some being as follows: 1. The actual size of the cutter; everything made is made to a tolerance, including cutting tools 2. Run out of the cutter/tool holder combination 3.
The material being cut. The cutting tool material 5. The length of the cutting tool 6. The amount of deflection resulting from 3 to 5 above.
When you use a negative value as the Tool Radius Compensation Offset, it effectively flips G41 to G42 and visa versa. Accordingly, by using a -0.062 as the TRC Offset, the theoretical size of the bore cut would have been 1.864, when using a 3/4 diameter cutter and the below program.
OMIL1 (3/4' DIA. INSERT MILL.7500) G41 X.5 D18 G03 I.5 Z.05 I.5 Z.1 I.5 Z.15 I.5 Z.2 I.5 Z.25 I.5 Z.3 I.5 Z.35 I.5 Z.4 I.5 Z.45 I.5 Z.5 I.5 Z.55 I.5 Z.6 I.5 F36.
G01 G40 X0 F100. So here is the next battle I have to cut a 3/8 key in a shaft.I want to use a.250 carbide end mill.What would the line look like to cut a.187 radius at the end of the key lets say 3' long key.Lets say for the sake of the argument, that the end of the shaft is set as X0.0, it's centre line in Y is Y0.0, and the Key Way is being cut in the X+ direction, with the 3.0' length being the overall length including the end radius. Following is the code from when the cutter is at the start position in X and Y and at depth in Z. G00 X-0.150 Y0.0 G01 Z-0.1875 F??
G41 G01 Y-0.1875 D?? G01 X2.8125 G03 X2.8125 Y0.1875 I0.0 J0.1875 G01 X-0.150 G40 Y0.0 In the above code, the actual dimensions of the Key Way have been used, and the whole Radius of the Tool (+ or - whatever to achieve correct size) would be applied to the Tool Radius Comp Offset corresponding to the D address used in the program My apologies ewlsey, you posted whilst I was making my long winded reply. Regards, Bill. I have to cut 3 keys one one each end and one in the middle.Does it work like a lathe to ramp down with the x and the z- on the same line to plunge?When cutting the Middle Key Way, where you can't plunge the cutter to depth in fresh air, you either provide a pilot hole to a depth of a very small amount above full depth of the Key Way, or ramp the cutter to depth via a combined Z and a second axis move. The angle of the ramp is somewhat influenced by the style of cutter being used, but is generally around the 3 to 5 deg mark. As opposed to the method of Applying and Cancelling the Tool Radius Comp along a path perpendicular to the profile surface in fresh air, most will blend the cutter onto and off the profile via an arc as shown in the attached picture. This method will limit the cutter mark left at 3 o'clock on the right hand end radius of the key way.
In this method and if using Cutter Rad Comp Left (G41), Tool Radius Comp will be applied along the line from circle centre to 6 o'clock of the blend arc, and cancelled along the line from 12 o'clock to the centre of the blend arc. Regards, Bill. So here is what I went with I failed miserable on the I and the J need some help.Went back to the two end mill plan.I would like to cut the radius for a 1/2 key with the 3/8 end mill.Plus I don't understand how to ramp into the key way.I plunged straight down with a center cutting end mill but it didn't like it. N0001 (KEYWAY MACHINING PROGRAM) (1/2 KEYWAY IN CENTER OF SHAFT) N0003 ( 'M-1 ONLY' ) N0004 (REVISED ON 01/08/10 J.J.) N0005 (PROGRAM MILLS SHAFT SLOT) N0006 (MAT: 316 STAINLESS STEEL) N0007 (PROGRAM IS AT PEAK S.F.M) N0008 (CYCLE TIME:0 MIN.00 SEC.) N0009 G00 G90 Z20. N0011 M01 NAT01 (3/8' CARBIDE END MILL) N1400 M6 T14 N1401 G15 H01 N1402 G56 H14 N1403 M03 S1800 N1404 G00 X0 Y0 N1405 Z.1 M08 N1406 G01 Z0 F2.
N1407 CALL OMIL1 Q10 G1 Z.1 N1408 X0 Y.0625 F10. N1409 G1 X-3.0 F4. N1410 Z.1 N1411 G00 X0 Y.0625 N1412 G1 Z.215 F2.
N1413 G1 X-3.0 N14143 Z.1 N1415 G00 Z20. M09 /N1416-10.
M05 N1417 M01 NAT02 (1/2' END MILL) N0900 M6 T09 N0901 G15 H01 N0902 G56 H09 N0903 M03 S1500 N0904 G00 X0 Y0 M08 Z.1 N0905 G1 Z.215 F2. N0906 X-3.0 F4. N0907 Z.1 M09 N0908 G00 Z20. N0909 M19 N0910 M30 (. SUB PROGRAMS.) OMIL1 (3/8' CARBIDE END MILL) G01 G91 Z.0215 F2.
G90 X-3.0 F4. RTS (. END OF SUBS.) . So here is what I went with I failed miserable on the I and the J need some help.Went back to the two end mill plan.I would like to cut the radius for a 1/2 key with the 3/8 end mill.Plus I don't understand how to ramp into the key way.I plunged straight down with a center cutting end mill but it didn't like it.Its not at all surprising that you had difficulties using an End Mill to plunge straight down in Z.
If your key way has it's long axis parallel with the X axis, then you would use a block similar to the following: G01 X??? Where the X Z coordinate of the above block results in a ramp angle, from the current cutter location, of about 3 to 5 deg (depending on the style of cutter being used). Your listed program is using the size of the cutter itself to form the key way.
When machining such a feature using a machining centre, this is tantamount to having a dog and barking yourself. Not to mention all of the shortfalls of creating a key way with a cutter having the same diameter as the key way's width, the kicker is that you end up with a key way the width of whatever the 1/2' cutter produces. The better way is to: 1.
Use a cutter smaller in diameter than the width of the key way 2. Use Cutter Radius Compensation so that you can regulate the size of the key way 3. Use a Tool Path that generates the key way and 4.
Use a roughing and finishing tool if you have more than a couple to key ways to do Many see using two tools as a waste of time, but overall, time will be saved through the finishing tool holding size better than a cutter that has had to rough as well as finish a feature. Regards, Bill Last edited by angelw; at 03:14 AM. Hi rnmmhunter, Following is code plugged into your existing program to ramp down to depth, plus rough and finish profile using a 3/8' cutter. You will note that the same profile has been used for both the Roughing and Finishing. The Cutter Radius Compensation (CRC) Offset registered for the Roughing 3/8' cutter should be the Radius of the tool plus a finishing allowance for the key way being cut. The CRC Offset for the Finishing 3/8' cutter will be the Radius of the cutter, plus or minus a bit to result in the correct sized key way. Because the tool path for both the Rough and Finish profile is the same, the profile code could be stored as a Subprogram, and the different CRC Offset number set as a Variable.
In any regard, if you examine the following code, you should get the idea. A 3/8' solid carbide cutter should be able to handle roughing the key way nearly to full depth in one go, but obviously, you can adjust the depth of cut and run the profile the number of times necessary. Regards, Bill NAT01 (3/8' CARBIDE END MILL) (ROUGH KEY WAY) G00 G90 Z20.000 G00 Y20.000 T14 M06 G15 H01 G56 H14 M03 S1800 G00 X0.0 Y0.0 G00 Z0.100 M08 G01 Z0.020 F3.0 G01 X3.000 Z-0.137 F3.0 G01 X0.000 Z-0.210 (KEY WAY ROUGH PROFILE STARTS HERE) G41 G01 X-0.050 Y0.200 D14 F4.0 G03 X-0.250 Y0.000 I0.000 J-0.200 G03 X0.000 Y-0.250 I0.250 J0.000 G01 X3.000 Y-0.250 G03 X3.000 Y0.250 I0.000 J0.250 G01 X0.000 Y0.250 G03 X-0.250 Y0.000 I0.000 J-0.250 G03 X-0.050 Y-0.200 I0.200 J0.000 G40 G01 X0.000 Y0.000 G01 Z0.100 G00 Z20.000 M09 G00 Y20. M05 M01 NAT02 (3/8' END MILL) (FINISH KEY WAY) T09 M06 G15 H01 G56 H09 M03 S1800 G00 X0 Y0 M08 G00 Z.1 G01 Z-0.200 F2.0 G01 Z.215 F1.5 (KEY WAY FINISH PROFILE STARTS HERE) G41 G01 X-0.050 Y0.200 D09 F4.0 G03 X-0.250 Y0.000 I0.000 J-0.200 G03 X0.000 Y-0.250 I0.250 J0.000 G01 X3.000 Y-0.250 G03 X3.000 Y0.250 I0.000 J0.250 G01 X0.000 Y0.250 G03 X-0.250 Y0.000 I0.000 J-0.250 G03 X-0.050 Y-0.200 I0.200 J0.000 G40 G01 X0.000 Y0.000 G01 Z0.100 M09 G00 Z20.000 M19 M30. Thanks this is the first I have tried to work with I and J since I took the class back in 2009 I run a lathe all the time just picked up a part time job now I have to figure out Okuma mills and lathes.What do I set the D9 and D14 at?Hi rnmmhunter, In the Tool Offset Registry pages of the control, you will find a column dedicated to the Radius of the Cutter, for use with Tool Radius Compensation control G41/G42.
As explained in my previous Post, the same tool path profile can be used for Roughing and Finishing, if the control is told, via the CRC offset, that the tool is bigger than it actually is for the Roughing operation. Accordingly, you could use 0.2025' for D14 and 0.1875' for D09. This would theoretically result in a 0.015' finishing allowance being left after roughing. The value registered for D09 would have to be set exactly by trial and error. Regards, Bill.