Moh Manual Of Dental Policy And Procedures
Posted : admin On 01.11.2019
. Dental policies and procedures Dental policies and procedures NHS England is responsible for commissioning high quality primary care services for the population of England. NHS England’s commissioning policy is to move towards more place based, clinically led commissioning and is sharing or delegating commissioning of primary medical care services to CCGs In addition to commissioning primary care services. NHS England has responsibility for commissioning of all dental services including specialist, community and out of hours dental services. The following documents form part of a suite of policies and procedures to support commissioning and contract management of primary care. These policies and procedures support quality and consistency of commissioning and eliminate duplication of effort in the management of the four primary care contractor groups All policies and procedures have been designed to support the principle of proportionality. By applying these policies and procedures, commissioners should be able to respond to local issues within a national framework.
Primary care professional bodies, representatives of patients and the public and other stakeholders were involved in the production of these documents. The policies are underpinned by five key principles;. To support the continuous improvement of primary care. To maintain the right balance between operating in a consistent fashion, maintaining appropriate local flexibility.
Clear alignment with NHS England commissioning policy and NHS England business plan. Compliance with legislation.

Moh Manual Of Dental Policies And Procedures
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To support a reasonable, proportionate and consistent approach across the four primary care contractor groups. This suite of documents will be refined in light of feedback from users. Please send your feedback to clearly stating in the subject header “Policy feedback: policy name”. Dental policies. – If you require this document in Word format please email:.
Further to a review of the dental policy book by internal audit, a number of changes have been made. These changes which come into force with immediate effect and all Heads of Primary Care and Dental Leads have been notified in advance. These changes will be reflected in the revised policy booklet due for publication in April 2018.
Dental Policy And Procedures Manual
NHS England has published a set of for non-specialised services which will be subject to public consultation next year. Please see below to access additional policies:.
to clarify the way forward for the consideration of the findings of the Intercollegiate Advisory Committee for Sedation in Dentistry (IACSD): Standards for Conscious Sedation in the Provision of Dental Care Report. The extant DH guidance is the minimum standard to be achieved pending further joint direction from the four CDOs. Guidance provided by the Chief Dental Officer-England in conjunction with the NHS Patient Group Directions Website Board, Department of Health and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency to provide clarification to the dental care profession on the legalities of NHS England commissioned services buying patient group directions (PGDs) from online registered dental practitioners. Improved signposting around dental complaints will help patients and providers A new is set to help patients, providers and other health organisations involved in this area of work. Produced by the Regulation of Dental Services Programme Board (NHS England, the NHS Business Services Authority, the Department of Health, the Care Quality Commission, the General Dental Council and Healthwatch England), it will help ensure there is a shared understanding of the correct route for complaints among regulators, commissioners and providers.
Previously the dental complaints system has been seen as complex and confusing, experienced overlap and revealed a lack of consistency across organisations. A report on the work of the is now available.