Course Guide Surgical Technology

Posted : admin On 30.10.2019
Course Guide Surgical Technology Rating: 5,6/10 4773 votes

Accredited surgical technology programs make graduates more competitive in the job market by providing them with a solid medical background, thorough understanding of surgical procedures and the technical skills needed in an operating room. Programs may include the following courses.

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Does anyone have any information on refresher courses to help someone prepare for the certifying exam for Surgical Technologist? When I graduated from school in 2002 certification wasn't required in my state. It has since become a requirement and I have always felt like i have kinda sold myself short by not getting it.I now have been out of school quite a while and feel a refresher course would benefit me greatly. I am having a terrible time finding something of this nature.

Back when I was a member of AST and received the magazines there were ads in the back of the magazine offering refresher courses, I don't have those issues any longer. Any information you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Cynical Panic in Chattanooga, Tennessee said: Where did you get your information that there are fill in the blanks on the test? I have never heard this. As a matter of fact, I was told that it was multiple choice.

Even the study guides tell you that. I read this information on the discussion that is titled ' Has anyone taken the certification test' by Jennifer E in Fredericksburg, Virginia. There are lots of replys to that title and the information I got was by a Sarah in Tulsa, oklahoma She posted a reply 2 months ago that stated the test format was changing and she had heard there was some fill in the blank, she then also posted another reply 25 days ago that stated the whole testing format had a new layout effective Aug 1st and anyone that could possibly take it before that date was reccommended to do so. That was posted under the same discussion, just scroll down a little further. That's where I got the information.

Hi susanbu.did you go to school to be a surg tech already? I think you may have to re-take the test if you took it so long ago.check it someone.go to. I am a surg tech (certified) and most hospitals are on a freeze now cuz of the economy.

I'm trying to find a day job for a plastic surgeon or oral surgeon cuz the long hours at the killed my feet. I NEVER stood for so long in my entire life and I'm older so my feet were fried after a few hours. I had to be in excruciating pain all the rest of the day.

What did that lady mean by educated? I think a person who attends an accredited for two years to get an Associates Degree is also educated. I graduated in 2007. I couldn't start working at the time because of my visa. I have been looking for a job since july of 2009, but people just want EXPERIENCE.

They don't even care if you are certified because I have a friend who is and have been looking for a job for a long time. They do not even look at your resume if you don't have at least a year of experience. I am so frustrated. I have considered the option of relocating, but it hasn't worked out. I was also thinking of taking the board exam, but I am starting to change my mind because I think I have spent enough money and time on this career that hasn't taken me anywhere. Betsysargent in Virginia Beach, Virginia said: I was certified in 1976 and worked for a two years but had our and have been in ministry with my husband for the last 27 years.

I need to get back to work and have contacted AST but with no reply. Are you saying I can take the test and get certified without a course. My concern is that i studied before AIDS came on the scene and I know there are precautions now that were not in place then.

Any suggestions? I love the atmosphere of the OR!

Surgical Technology Salary

Not to change the subject but I am having a hard time starting a new discussion. I am getting ready to start clinicals and while scrubbed in for Labs during class the Bouffant, along with mask and goggles, are making me sweat more than I thought they would. What is the trick, if any, to sweatin less. Once you start sweaitn it gets very ackward, goggles start to fog a bit, etc. IS there any trick?

I know OR's are coller, but once those lights are turned on I know it can get hot. Dan Frattinger in Winfield, Illinois said: Not to change the subject but I am having a hard time starting a new discussion. I am getting ready to start clinicals and while scrubbed in for Labs during class the Bouffant, along with mask and goggles, are making me sweat more than I thought they would. What is the trick, if any, to sweatin less.

Once you start sweaitn it gets very ackward, goggles start to fog a bit, etc. IS there any trick? I know OR's are coller, but once those lights are turned on I know it can get hot. You can wet a lap sponge with your irrigation and lay it across your hand(s), or just put your hand in a bowl of irrigation (room temp).

This always helps cool me off, you can also ask your circulator to put a cold rag on your neck, the problem there is 1, she has to make sure it's tucked good so if it comes off it doesn't fall onto your sterile field and 2, if you are still a student, chances are the circulator is gonna get aggrevated at you. Once you are out of school it's not so irritating to the circulators. Probably while you are still a student your best bet is to try the wet lap or the hand in the bowl of irrigation. I know it desn't seem like that would cool you off, but it does work. I graduated in 1997, did not take the certification test and did not work. I joined the AST and signed up to take the test. I got two books and studied from day until last week and took the test on the 26 of Jan.

Guide surgical sialkot

I passed.I review old notes from school went thru the book for review questions and mock test questions and spent a couple of days in surgery observing also the books I bought had cd/roms in them with test questions and went over and over those questions, also spent a couple days in surgery observing and i passed. To join the AST you need to send in a copy of your diploma and then you can join and then you send in your application to take the test once you get that paperwork in then you schedule your test. There is a ton of info on the test, but the books breaks it down into sections which is helpful. You should get a response from the AST.I have found it worth it to join. If you are not happy with whoever you talk to hang up and call back and get someone different or ask to speak with someone's not cheap and for the cost of membership you deserve to talk with someone who is helpful.Good Luck!!!

Susan in knoxville. Ddm in Washington, District of Columbia said: What did that lady mean by educated? I think a person who attends an accredited for two years to get an Associates Degree is also educated. I graduated in 2007. I couldn't start working at the time because of my visa. I have been looking for a job since july of 2009, but people just want EXPERIENCE.

They don't even care if you are certified because I have a friend who is and have been looking for a job for a long time. They do not even look at your resume if you don't have at least a year of experience. I am so frustrated. I have considered the option of relocating, but it hasn't worked out. I was also thinking of taking the board exam, but I am starting to change my mind because I think I have spent enough money and time on this career that hasn't taken me anywhere.

What I meant is that you have an. Dear AJ.I did the same a matter of fact graduated the same year as you.

I join the AST and bought their book, AST Surgical Technologist Certifying Exam Study Guide Second Edition and another book Complete Review of Surgical Technology. They both come with cd to put in your for test questions.


The best advice I got from my cousin who just took her boards for pediatrics is to just get your hands on as many test questions as you can and that's what I did. I took my test in January and did great. It was hard.but going over and over any test questions really helped. You have to spend time everyday going over something. I started after day and took my test in Jan of this year. Good luck.Susan. I am in search of a surgical technology program refresher course.

Guide Surgical Sialkot

Graduated from an accredited program in 1994. I have taken a couple of test since graduation. One in 2000 and another in 2004. I'm almost certain there has not been much of a change in techniques. Multiple amount of our surgical instuments are pretty much the same and has been in continue use.such as the retractors:army/navy,balfours,and devers! Anatomically our body is still the same and it took a lot of time,skills and study for these instuments to be perfected without causing trauma to delicate body tissues.I try to keep in mind not to panic or become overwhelmed with newer technology they may or may not have come since my graduation in 1994. When I tested I was only a few points each time within a passing score.

My test results conveyed my weakness to be in the intra-op and post-op phase,so I am searching for a program that will give me additional hands on in this area. I have been in touch with a recruiter that have given me limited info. Kawasaki prairie 360 manual. Over the phone,but have been very supportive in assisting me in setting up a schedule with a specific so I can get more detail. Also I think I may have some of my AST magazines to further search for refresher courses if they are still available. There are surg.techs. On this forum that have the right ideas and I'm going to follow up. Thanks to you all!

Without schooling, how do you learn the 1500 instruments and how to pass them? Who teaches you to put together/use a bookwalter???How do you learn to gown and glove yourself and a surgeon??

I wouldn't DARE walk into an OR without that basic knowledge. Also, without a schooling, how do you get externships? Initially, I used references from my externships to get my first job right out of school.

Guide Surgical Instruments

Unfortunately, since the economy is so bad, hospitals and sx centers are not where I live and its hard to find a job right now. However, My first job wasn't in a, it was scrubbing for a plastic sx. Sometimes OR's can be a rough environment, especially for new scrubs, I wouldn't attempt it without going to school. Susanbu in Knoxville, Tennessee said: Dear AJ.I did the same a matter of fact graduated the same year as you.

I join the AST and bought their book, AST Surgical Technologist Certifying Exam Study Guide Second Edition and another book Complete Review of Surgical Technology. They both come with cd to put in your for test questions. The best advice I got from my cousin who just took her boards for pediatrics is to just get your hands on as many test questions as you can and that's what I did.

I took my test in January and did great. It was hard.but going over and over any test questions really helped. You have to spend time everyday going over something.

I started after day and took my test in Jan of this year. Good luck.Susan Susan, Have you found a job in Knoxville. I was a CST for 11 years and got out of it for awhile. I am going to take the test and get recertified so I can start to work again. Susanbu in Knoxville, Tennessee said: Yes!!!

I passed in January and will start working middle of September! I am very excited and really nervous!!! I put in a ton of applications and even took a course thinking that would at least get my foot in the door. I am working at a that is willing to train me 'their' way and didn't blink when I didn't have the experience.they don't have to break any bad habits! I am very excited to be back in the hospital!!!

How was the exam i am planing on taking it in the end of this year so was it hard???? The same here! I graduated in 2007 I worked at of Milwaukee,WI and Baylor All Saints in Fort Worth,TX. No luck at all. Onlyn thing to do is hgo back to school for something else. Ddm in Washington, District of Columbia said: What did that lady mean by educated?

I think a person who attends an accredited for two years to get an Associates Degree is also educated. I graduated in 2007. I couldn't start working at the time because of my visa. I have been looking for a job since july of 2009, but people just want EXPERIENCE. They don't even care if you are certified because I have a friend who is and have been looking for a job for a long time. They do not even look at your resume if you don't have at least a year of experience. I am so frustrated.

I have considered the option of relocating, but it hasn't worked out. I was also thinking of taking the board exam, but I am starting to change my mind because I think I have spent enough money and time on this career that hasn't taken me anywhere. I'm a 2007 surch tech grad who did not get hired straight out of school so I went another route. I'm now interested in taking the certification exam and I'm also in need of refresher courses. I do have all my old books from school but everything is seeming to overwhelm me right now.

I will look into the books you all have suggested and find some practice questions some where. Going through the AST site, there is a practice test for about $40, does anyone know where I can find practice test questions for free?

Can anyone email me some questions? Also, to Susan, you have really given me inspiration to buckle down and finally take on this challenge that I have been dreading for 3yrs. Sammantha, I was not enrolled in school and joined the AST and I was not employed either, however, I made it known to them that I was studying to take the test. It is expensive to join, but in the long run to take the is cheaper thru them. I dreaded it as well, and it was a hard test, but just slowly read your questions. I was fortunate that when I took the test I was in a room by myself and I could read the questions out loud to myself!

I bought the test online and had another cd rom with questions on it. When you join the AST you get a magazine and there is usually a feature article dealing with a certain surgery and I was sure to those as well and take the test for ceu's, also went thru some old cases that I did and the papers I had to write. I think being only 3 years will do great! Thanks for the compliment.I appreciate it. Even if you are's still scary!!! But I love it.especially today when the case was a messy gi bleed!!! Good luck.happy to help with any other questions!

Dan Frattinger in Winfield, Illinois said: Not to change the subject but I am having a hard time starting a new discussion. I am getting ready to start clinicals and while scrubbed in for Labs during class the Bouffant, along with mask and goggles, are making me sweat more than I thought they would. What is the trick, if any, to sweatin less. Once you start sweaitn it gets very ackward, goggles start to fog a bit, etc. IS there any trick?

I know OR's are coller, but once those lights are turned on I know it can get hot. Dont tighten so tight and use the defogger that your OR should provide, and for smelly jobs use peppermint (from your local store) liquid just a dab under your nose works great. Just about most of us are in the same boat!!!

I graduated in 2005 in Miami. Scrubbed for about a year. Got married, had a child and have been out of the field for about six years. Now I wanna start back in the field (now that my daughter is five), and I'm having the hardest time ever.

I need to refresh, I need certification, I NEED HELP!!! Does anyone know what books I need to study from, where can I take refresher courses in Miami and how can I become certified??? Any reply is appreciated!! As far as I know there are no refresher courses and the best information I can gather is to study the ast study guide. I still haven't taken my certification course due to some major issues that have arisen for me but it's truly sad that there is nothing out there short of just retaking the course to help scrub techs. They changed the criteria for being hired so for those of us that went through school when it wasn't needed, and people really couldn't care less if you had it or not if we had to change jobs for whatever reason pretty well our only option is to retake the course. And why would anyone want to pay that much money to take the test, plus a day off from work without pay to take it when you didn't make one cent more for having it.

Ugh, it frustrates me so much. I can scrub as well as anyone else can and it's just not fair that there's not more options for us. The good news is that I have been doing a certification prep course through the school I teach for for the past 17 months. I've had great sucess with the pass rates of the students I have prepped. Due to the requirements in the state of New Jersy, I can see that many people are feeling the need for something of this sort. I am now offerng my prep services to any surgical techs who may be in need of this sort of tutoring. I would be happy to provide details and tell you about the money back guarantee that I will provide with this.

I can be emailed at I have been a CST for 17 years and an for 4 years. Have been running certification preps for over a year and a half.